Surabaya, July 1, 2024 — Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has dispatched 2,686 students to participate in the Community Learning Service (KKN) BBK 4. This major event took place at the Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) MEER-C Campus. This year’s KKN stands out for the diverse distribution of students across different BBK KKN programs.

Diverse Participation in KKN BBK 4

A significant number of students, 2,650 to be exact, are part of the Regular BBK KKN program. This program covers six regencies and cities in East Java, including Banyuwangi, Gresik, Lamongan, Madiun, Mojokerto, and Surabaya. Additionally, five students are participating in the National BBK KKN in the Ambon region of Maluku Province. Moreover, 31 students are taking part in the International BBK KKN program, which spans three countries: Australia, Japan, and Malaysia.

Rector’s Message: Embrace Usefulness and Lifelong Learning

“UNAIR students must embody a spirit of usefulness wherever they are and with whomever they interact,” stated UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE, MT, Ak. “Always be present, be a blessing to the universe, and bring benefits to everyone.”

Prof. Nasih, a distinguished professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNAIR, advised students to embrace lifelong learning by drawing lessons from both successes and failures. He encouraged KKN participants to develop the skills necessary to understand and address community issues.

Key to Success and Reputation

“One key to success is how we can turn something bad into something good and something good into something even better,” he remarked.

Prof. Nasih also emphasized the importance of maintaining the university’s esteemed reputation. “UNAIR is globally recognized, and it is imperative that we uphold this reputation. Currently, UNAIR is ranked number one in the world as a university dedicated to poverty reduction,” he noted.

A Call to Action

He concluded with a call to action, “To end poverty in Indonesia, we embark on a special mission and commitment today. Show that we are UNAIR members with high morals.”

The KKN BBK 4 program exemplifies UNAIR’s dedication to community service and its commitment to fostering socially responsible leaders.

By Admin