The Student Creativity Program (PKM) team in the Social Humanities Research (RSH) sector from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) at Universitas Airlangga has achieved another milestone with their innovative project titled “Public Sentiment Analysis on the Security of Business to Customer E-Commerce Using a Naïve Bayes Approach Based on Text Mining to Prevent Fraud.”

The PKM team members are Marcelena Vicky Galena (FST), Adnan Syawal Adilaha Sadikin (FST), Aprilia Prastyaningrum (FST), and Reza Febrian Nugroho (FEB). Throughout the research process, the four team members were guided by Dr. M. Fariz Fadillah Mardianto SSi MSi, a Statistics Lecturer at Universitas Airlangga.

Integration of Text Mining and Naïve Bayes Techniques

This project aims to analyze public sentiment regarding e-commerce security using the Naïve Bayes method based on text mining. The team leader, Marcelena Vicky Galena, explained that the increase in e-commerce transactions in Indonesia has also led to a rise in fraud cases. “Through sentiment analysis, we can identify patterns and trends that reflect public trust in the security of e-commerce platforms,” said Marcelena.

Research Process and Challenges

During the research process, the team faced various challenges, such as collecting data from multiple sources and ensuring the validity and accuracy of the data obtained. Despite these obstacles, the team’s dedication and hard work enabled them to overcome these barriers. Adnan added, “We hope the results of this research can make a tangible contribution to enhancing the security of e-commerce transactions in Indonesia.”

Future Plans and Aspirations

With the successful funding approval, the PKM-RSH FST team from Universitas Airlangga has high hopes to advance their research to the next level. They plan to collaborate with major e-commerce platforms in Indonesia to implement their findings in a practical context. “Our ultimate goal is to create a safer and more trustworthy e-commerce environment for the public,” said Aprilia.

This achievement not only brings pride to Universitas Airlangga but also proves that Indonesian students can produce innovative work that has a positive impact on the broader community. The PKM-RSH FST team from Universitas Airlangga is ready to continue their efforts to bring about meaningful change through impactful research.

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