In an increasingly connected digital world, digital financial inclusion has become a focal point in efforts to drive sustainable economic growth. Recent research from Universitas Airlangga examines whether digital financial inclusion can predict sustainable economic growth. The findings from this study provide valuable insights that governments and stakeholders can use to formulate more inclusive financial policies.

Digital Financial Inclusion: What and Why Is It Important?

Digital financial inclusion refers to the access to financial services through digital platforms such as e-wallets, mobile banking, and other fintech applications. This allows more people, including those who previously lacked access to traditional financial services, to participate in the financial system.

Key Findings from the Research

This research analyzed data from various countries to understand the impact of digital financial inclusion on sustainable economic growth. Here are some key findings:

  1. Wider Access to Financial Services: Digital platforms expand access to financial services, enabling people in remote areas to access services that were previously unavailable. This increases their economic participation and drives local economic growth.
  2. Reduction of Economic Inequality: Digital financial inclusion helps reduce economic inequality by providing more equitable access to all segments of society. This contributes to reducing income disparities and improving social welfare.
  3. Higher Transaction Efficiency: Digital financial services enable faster and more efficient transactions, which boosts economic productivity. Additionally, it helps individuals and businesses manage their finances better.
  4. Driver of Innovation and Small Businesses: Easy access to financing through digital platforms encourages the emergence of innovation and small businesses. This creates new jobs and strengthens the local economy.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the significant benefits of digital financial inclusion, there are several challenges that need to be addressed. Data security and privacy are major issues that need to be tackled by governments and service providers. They must ensure that user data is well protected to prevent misuse. Additionally, digital financial education for the community is crucial so that they can wisely utilize these services.


This research indicates that digital financial inclusion has great potential to drive sustainable economic growth. By leveraging digital technology, we can create a more inclusive and fair financial system for everyone. Therefore, it is important for governments and stakeholders to continue supporting the development of digital financial services and ensure that the benefits can be felt by all segments of society.

With digital financial inclusion, we can realize a more sustainable and inclusive economic future. This is not just a dream, but a reality that we can achieve together.

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