Corporate leverage is a key indicator for measuring a company’s capital structure and financial risk. This article is sorced from a study, titled “Does the Leverage of a Company Differ When Led by a CEO from a Religious Background?” examines the influence of CEOs’ religious backgrounds on corporate leverage in Indonesia. By understanding this dynamic, we can gain new insights into how a leader’s personal values and beliefs can affect a company’s financial policies.

Research Methodology

This study uses data from companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) over a certain period. The CEOs of these companies were analyzed based on their religious backgrounds, identified through professional profiles and other relevant sources. Corporate leverage was measured using the debt-to-equity ratio, a key indicator of how much a company relies on debt to finance its operations.

Research Findings

The study found several important insights:

  1. Positive Influence of Religious Backgrounds: CEOs with certain religious backgrounds tend to be more cautious in making high-risk financial decisions. They prefer a more conservative capital structure with lower leverage.
  2. Diverse Backgrounds: The influence of religious backgrounds varies depending on the CEO’s religion. For instance, CEOs with religious backgrounds that emphasize prudence and anti-usury values tend to avoid excessive use of debt.
  3. Industry Differences: The impact of CEOs’ religious backgrounds on corporate leverage also varies across industries. More stable and less risky sectors tend to show a more significant influence compared to more dynamic and high-risk sectors.

Practical Implications

The findings of this study have several practical implications for stakeholders:

  1. Investors: Investors can consider the religious background of a CEO as one of the factors in their investment decisions, especially if they prefer companies with conservative capital structures.
  2. Shareholders: Shareholders can evaluate a company’s financial policies by considering the personal values and beliefs of the CEO, which can influence the company’s long-term strategy.
  3. Boards of Directors: In the CEO selection process, boards of directors can consider the candidates’ religious backgrounds as an aspect that affects the company’s financial policies and risk management.


The religious background of a CEO has a significant influence on corporate leverage. CEOs with religious backgrounds tend to adopt a more conservative approach in managing corporate debt, which in turn can reduce financial risk and increase long-term stability. Understanding this dynamic can help stakeholders make more informed and strategic decisions in the context of corporate finance.

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