In today’s digital era, almost every aspect of life has been influenced by technology, including religious practices. The digitalization of the Quran is one such innovation that allows for easier and broader access to the holy text. The journal article “Al-Qur’an Digitalization: Adolescent View on the Value of the Digitalization of the Holy Quran” explores how adolescents, a generation deeply connected with technology, perceive the value of Quran digitalization and how it affects their religious practices.

Digital Transformation in Religious Access

With technological advancements, religious practices have undergone significant transformations. The digitalization of the Quran has made sacred texts more accessible through digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. Quran applications, along with various other religious resources, are now available at the fingertips. This phenomenon has brought about substantial changes in how Muslims, especially the younger generation, interact with the Quran.

For adolescents, easy access to the Quran through digital devices not only simplifies reading and understanding the text but also allows them to engage more actively in religious learning. Interactive Quran applications often come with features such as tafsir (exegesis), translations in various languages, and audio for listening to recitations, all of which support a richer and deeper learning experience.

Adolescents’ Perspectives on Quran Digitalization

The journal reveals that many adolescents view the digitalization of the Quran positively and in line with contemporary needs. They feel that the convenience and flexibility offered by the digital format enable them to be more consistent in reading the Quran, especially in their busy daily lives. For many adolescents, carrying the Quran in digital form on their phones makes it easier to read it anytime and anywhere.

However, the journal also highlights some concerns among adolescents regarding Quran digitalization. Some feel that reading the Quran on digital devices may diminish the sacredness and grandeur of the holy text. There are also worries that using digital applications might distract them from a deeper understanding of the Quran due to the distractions present on digital devices, such as social media notifications.

Implications for Religious Practice

The digitalization of the Quran has significantly impacted religious practices, especially among the younger generation. Easier access to the Quran and other religious resources has encouraged adolescents to be more active in learning and practicing their faith. They can quickly search for tafsir or translations when encountering difficult verses or listen to Quran recitations while on the go.

However, there are also challenges to address. Dependence on digital devices may reduce direct interaction with the physical form of the holy text, which holds symbolic and spiritual value. Additionally, concentration and depth of reflection might be affected by digital distractions, making it important for adolescents to develop a balance between using technology and engaging in deep religious understanding.

The Future of Quran Digitalization

Given the ongoing digital trends, it seems that the digital Quran will increasingly become an integral part of religious life for Muslims, especially among the younger generation. However, it is crucial to ensure that technology is used wisely to not only facilitate access but also enhance understanding and spiritual experience.

Religious education also needs to adapt to this development by integrating technology into effective teaching methods. Teachers and parents can leverage digital applications and resources to support a more interactive and engaging religious education for adolescents.


The digitalization of the Quran offers many benefits, particularly in terms of accessibility and flexibility, which are highly relevant to today’s younger generation. However, it is also important to consider the challenges, such as potential reductions in sacredness and digital distractions. With a thoughtful approach, Quran digitalization can be a powerful tool to enrich religious practice and deepen spiritual understanding among adolescents.

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