Indonesia ranks 7th globally in the number of deaths caused by tobacco use, including those resulting from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). This disease is a leading cause of death in the country, often linked to smoking habits. But how does the age at which a person starts smoking affect their risk of developing COPD? This article delves into crucial findings from research conducted at Ngudi Waluyo Hospital, Wlingi, Blitar, which aimed to uncover the influence of early smoking habits on the incidence of COPD.

Why Is the Age of Smoking Initiation So Important?

Based on the study published in the related journal, the age at which a person starts smoking significantly influences their risk of developing COPD later in life. Children and teenagers who begin smoking before the age of 15 face a substantially higher risk of developing COPD compared to those who start smoking later. The study found that individuals who began smoking before the age of 15 have up to 12 times greater risk of developing COPD compared to those who never smoked.

Research Methodology: A Case-Control Study

This research utilized a case-control study design, involving 112 respondents divided into two groups: 56 individuals diagnosed with COPD (the case group) and 56 individuals without COPD (the control group). The sample was systematically randomly selected from patients at Ngudi Waluyo Hospital during October and November 2017.

Through statistical analysis, the study identified several major risk factors associated with COPD, including being male, smoking habits, and long-term smoking duration. However, the most striking finding was the impact of early smoking initiation on the risk of developing COPD.

Key Findings and Results

The results of this study highlight several critical findings worth noting:

  1. Being Male
    Men have a higher risk of developing COPD compared to women. This is likely related to the higher prevalence of smoking among men in Indonesia.
  2. Smoking Habits
    Smoking itself is a significant risk factor for COPD, with an increased risk of 5.1 times compared to non-smokers.
  3. Early Smoking Initiation (<15 Years Old)
    This is the most significant risk factor. Those who start smoking before the age of 15 have up to 12 times higher risk of developing COPD compared to those who never smoked.
  4. Smoking Duration (≥30 Years)
    Smoking for 30 years or more also shows a substantial increase in the risk of COPD, with nearly 9 times greater risk compared to those who smoke for shorter durations.

Why Are These Findings Important?

The importance of these findings cannot be understated, especially in the context of public health in Indonesia. The data suggest that smoking habits formed at a very young age significantly contribute to the high rates of COPD in Indonesia. This underscores the need for early intervention and stricter policies to prevent children and teenagers from starting to smoke.

Implications for Health Policy

These findings have significant implications for tobacco prevention and control efforts in Indonesia. The government and health agencies must intensify anti-smoking campaigns targeted at children and teenagers. Additionally, stricter policies regarding the sale of cigarettes to minors must be firmly enforced.

Furthermore, health education in schools needs to be enhanced to teach children about the dangers of smoking from an early age. Effective prevention programs should be a priority to reduce the number of young smokers and, ultimately, lower the prevalence of COPD in Indonesia.


Starting to smoke at a young age, especially before the age of 15, is the most significant risk factor for developing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) later in life. These findings highlight the importance of preventing smoking among young people as a key strategy in reducing the burden of COPD in Indonesia. By strengthening anti-smoking policies and health education, we can protect the younger generation from this deadly risk and build a healthier future for Indonesia.

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