Public service motivation is crucial for ensuring effective and efficient community services. In Indonesia, where the challenges in public service can be significant, village cadres play a pivotal role. This article explores research on the motivation of these cadres in Servant Hearts Village, highlighting how we can enhance this motivation to achieve better public service outcomes.

What is Public Service Motivation?

Public service motivation refers to the inner drive that encourages individuals to engage in activities benefiting their communities. In this context, village cadres are expected to provide high-quality services that meet the needs of the people. Research shows that various factors influence this motivation, including personal values, social support, and institutional backing.

How the Research Was Conducted

This study used a qualitative approach, conducting in-depth interviews with village cadres in Servant Hearts Village. The data collected were analyzed to identify what factors influence their motivation in public service roles.

Key Findings

Here are the main insights from the research:

  1. Altruistic Values Matter: Cadres with a strong desire to help others and create a positive impact tend to be more motivated in their roles.
  2. Community Support is Essential: Having a supportive community and receiving recognition for their contributions significantly boost the motivation of these cadres.
  3. Training Makes a Difference: Cadres who participate in training and skill development feel more confident and capable in serving their communities.

Recommendations for Enhancing Motivation

Based on these findings, here are some actionable recommendations to improve public service motivation among village cadres:

  • Strengthen Community Support: Building strong networks within the community and recognizing outstanding cadres can inspire them to continue their valuable work.
  • Invest in Continuous Training: Providing ongoing training programs can help enhance the skills of cadres, making them more effective in their roles.
  • Raise Awareness: Educating the community about the important contributions of cadres can lead to greater support and recognition, making these individuals feel valued.


The motivation of village cadres in Servant Hearts Village significantly affects the quality of public services provided to the community. By understanding the factors that drive this motivation and implementing the right strategies, we can improve public service in Indonesia. This research underscores the importance of village cadres in building a responsive and effective public service system.

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