Patriot Kriminalitas is one of the funded teams in the Student Creativity Program (PKM) for Social Humanities Research (RSH) at the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), Airlangga University (UNAIR). This team comprises Grace Lucyana Koesnadi, Muhammad Rizal Anggriawan, Talitha Zuleika, Moch Rasyid Aditya Putra, and Najwa Khoir Aldawiyah, all undergraduate students majoring in Statistics.

Guided by Dr. M. Fariz Fadillah Mardianto, SSi, MSi, a lecturer in Statistics at UNAIR, the team addresses Surabaya’s high crime rate, the highest in East Java Province according to 2023 data. Their project, titled “Mapping Public Perception of Crime in Surabaya Using Machine Learning Concepts to Strengthen Information Dissemination Towards a Safe Surabaya,” aims to tackle this issue head-on.

Grace shared that the research stemmed from a casual conversation about processing crime data for a course project. This discussion evolved into a deeper exploration of different perspectives on data processing approaches. Rasyid highlighted the significant potential within Surabaya’s crime data.

“This potential can transform into research that aids Surabaya residents in crime prevention and handling,” said Rasyid.

Talitha noted that the data collection and analysis processes posed unique challenges for the Patriot Kriminalitas team.

“It was quite difficult for us to gather data from public comments about crime issues in Surabaya from the social media platform X. Given the limited data available, we also collected information from several institutions, such as the Surabaya Metropolitan Police and Suara Surabaya. Although the challenges were considerable, we managed to overcome them step by step. Now, we just need to process the data for analysis,” explained Talitha.

Rizal hopes their research findings will benefit Surabaya and assist law enforcement in tackling crime. The Patriot Kriminalitas team encourages the public to help maintain and create a safe and prosperous Surabaya.

“Through our research, we hope to benefit the people of Surabaya in preventing criminal acts,” said Rizal.

By Admin