Students from the Japanese Language and Literature program at Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) have once again recorded a brilliant achievement in the national Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI). This event was organized by Universitas Negeri Jakarta, featuring their excellent work titled “TEBURU 5.0: Collaborative Smart Desk Based on AUI and Photoplethysmography Sensor to Enhance Students’ Learning Productivity in Indonesia.”

The UNAIR team secured 3rd place and won the best poster award, defeating 115 competing teams from all over Indonesia. This innovative paper was led by Iqbal Rohim Al-Farisy, with team members Sechilia Kriestyaning and Nada Alifia Susandi.

Smart Desk Innovation

The team’s innovation stemmed from a deep interest in education and awareness of the negative impact of gadgets on children. Iqbal and his team managed to create a learning innovation by developing an advanced learning system that combines AUI technology and Photoplethysmography Sensors.

AUI technology facilitates personal interaction between children and the learning system, tailoring the learning experience to individual needs. The Photoplethysmography Sensor measures the heart rate and anxiety levels of children non-invasively, used in real-time to adapt the learning content and ensure the children stay focused.

“We understand the problems children face with gadgets today. There are several potentials and weaknesses in current learning and literacy methods. We developed a smart desk innovation designed to increase children’s interest in learning, making them more enthusiastic about learning,” said Iqbal.

Iqbal added that the innovation is equipped with literacy enhancement features, such as ArcGIS websites, writing collabs, and a stress detection system for students. This smart desk encourages students to continue using their digital exploration skills and instills that learning is fun.


Achieving this brilliant success was not an easy task. It required solid teamwork to overcome every obstacle. They turned challenging problems into opportunities.

A never-give-up spirit and firm commitment were also key to their success. Iqbal and the team were even willing to travel long distances from Surabaya to Jakarta without sacrificing their class schedules.

“As a team, good chemistry is needed. Even though we have our respective tasks, we must unite. Do great collaboration to be ready for victory. Spirit of Bandung Jawa team,” said Iqbal.

Additionally, Sechilia, a team member, revealed that to become a champion, one must dare to explore every opportunity. Consistency in the field of expertise is very necessary, and loving everything that becomes part of the learning interest is essential to becoming a champion.

By Admin