Early detection of developmental disorders in children is a crucial step in ensuring optimal growth and development. The Pre-Screening Developmental Questionnaire (PDQ) and the Revised Pre-Screening Developmental Questionnaire (PDQ-R) are tools designed to screen for potential developmental delays in children. These tools are intended for use by healthcare professionals and parents to identify children who may need further evaluation. The validity of these questionnaires is of paramount importance, given their significant implications for early intervention. This article reviews the results of a study that tested the validity of the PDQ and PDQ-R in Indonesia, based on the journal “Validity Test of Pre-Screening Developmental Questionnaire (PDQ) and Pre-Screening Developmental Questionnaire Revised (PDQ-R)” from Universitas Airlangga.

The Importance of Developmental Screening in Children

Childhood, especially the early years, is a critical period for cognitive, motor, social, and emotional development. Disruptions in any of these areas can have long-term effects on a child’s life. Therefore, developmental screening is a vital component of pediatric healthcare. By using valid screening tools like the PDQ and PDQ-R, potential issues can be identified and addressed early, increasing the chances for the child to develop optimally.

Research Methodology

This study employed a quantitative approach with the primary aim of testing the validity of the PDQ and PDQ-R in the context of Indonesian children. The validity tested includes construct validity, content validity, and criterion validity. Data were collected from a large sample that included children from various socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds, ensuring that the study results could be generalized to a broader population.

Key Findings

Construct and Content Validity

The study found that both the PDQ and PDQ-R have strong construct validity. These questionnaires consistently measure relevant aspects of child development, such as gross motor skills, fine motor skills, language, and social-emotional development. Additionally, the content validity of both questionnaires was found to be adequate, with items designed to align with the developmental stages appropriate for a child’s age.

Criterion Validity

Criterion validity was tested by comparing the results of the PDQ and PDQ-R with other established developmental assessment tools. The results showed a strong correlation between the PDQ and PDQ-R and these other tools, indicating that both questionnaires are effective in identifying children who need further developmental evaluation.

Sensitivity and Specificity

The study also evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of the PDQ and PDQ-R, which refer to the tools’ ability to correctly identify children with developmental issues and distinguish them from children with normal development. The results showed that the PDQ and PDQ-R have adequate sensitivity and specificity, making these questionnaires reliable for early screening of developmental disorders.

Practical Implications

Implementation in Child Healthcare Services

With proven validity, the PDQ and PDQ-R can be integrated into child healthcare services in Indonesia as standard screening tools. Using these questionnaires can help healthcare professionals detect developmental delays early, allowing for quicker and more effective interventions.

Training and Education for Healthcare Professionals and Parents

To maximize the effectiveness of the PDQ and PDQ-R, training for healthcare professionals on how to use and interpret the results of these questionnaires is essential. Additionally, educating parents on the importance of developmental screening and how to accurately complete the questionnaires is crucial. Active parental involvement in this process can improve the accuracy of early detection and their engagement in intervention programs.

Cultural Adaptation

Given Indonesia’s diverse cultural landscape, further adjustments may be needed to ensure that the PDQ and PDQ-R remain relevant and effective across different regions. Further research could be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of these questionnaires in various cultural contexts within Indonesia and to refine and adapt the questionnaire items to better suit local conditions.


The validity of the Pre-Screening Developmental Questionnaire (PDQ) and the Revised Pre-Screening Developmental Questionnaire (PDQ-R) has been confirmed through this study. Both tools have shown strong performance in identifying children who may have developmental issues. With proper integration into child health systems, along with support through training and education for healthcare professionals and parents, the PDQ and PDQ-R can become invaluable tools in improving the quality of early developmental screening in Indonesia. Through their appropriate use, we can ensure that every child has the best chance to grow and develop to their fullest potential.

Link Journal : https://scholar.unair.ac.id/en/publications/validity-test-of-pre-screening-developmental-questionnaire-pdq-an

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