Opinion of Human Resources Development Master's Program Students on the Potential and Challenges of the Indonesian Creative Industry Facing the Post-Pandemic Recession in 2023 and the Political Year 2024

Salam Kreatif,Berikut tulisan mahasiswa Program Magister Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Peminatan Industri Kreatif untuk mata kuliah Transformasi Global Industri Kreatif yang membahas potensi dan tantangan industry kreatif Indonesia menghadapi rresesi…

Opinion of Human Resources Development Master's Program Students on the Potential and Challenges of the Indonesian Creative Industry Facing the Post-Pandemic Recession in 2023 and the Political Year 2024

Salam Kreatif,Berikut tulisan mahasiswa Program Magister Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Peminatan Industri Kreatif untuk mata kuliah Transformasi Global Industri Kreatif yang membahas potensi dan tantangan industry kreatif Indonesia menghadapi rresesi…